posted on 3rd October 2017

Benefits of outsourcing your school’s PE function


It’s hard to turn on a TV or pick up a newspaper these days without learning more about government budget cuts; cuts to healthcare, cuts to infrastructure, cuts to education. The latter has seen some schools find themselves in a position where they are no longer able to employ full-time teachers in some subjects. A common subject this occurs in is Physical Education. Members of staff from other subjects are drafted in to help fill the void. This model may work when it comes to placing teachers at the heads of classes, but it is not to the greatest benefit of the teacher or the pupils. Schools are now choosing to outsource their PE teacher function to third party specialist organisations. The Little Runners provide this service to schools, so we thought we would share some benefits that we have learned, experienced, or that have been fed back to us when it comes to outsourcing a school’s PE function:

1. Expertise
Sports organisations are brimming with specially qualified and trained experts. They know the expected level of activity for specific age groups, how far to push pupils to achieve their potential, and what their limitations might be. Sports related injuries are reduced as pupils take part in thorough and apt warm up and col down sessions. Experts can really bring out the best in students in any field, which brings us to..

2. Higher engagement levels
Remember when little Susie refused to eat broccoli, until of course she went to school friend Sam’s house for dinner, where she ate it by the plateful. Children challenge their boundaries when in different environments or with different people. It is what helps them to develop. Therefore having a ‘new’ or ‘different’ face leading their PE lessons helps children to increase their fitness. Likely more eager to please, pupils will be much more engaged in their lesson and therefore achieve better levels of health and fitness. Which also contributes to….

3. Better overall academic performance
Studies have shown that children – and indeed adults – who partake in regular effective exercise do better in other disciplines in life. A clearer mind and healthier body enables the brain to function better, with fewer distractions. A fully optimised PE lesson means that children will be raring to go in other lessons. Overall school performance results can improve with healthier and more focused children. Leading us to..

4. Fewer sick days Exercise strengthens children’s immune systems, cardiovascular systems and increases bone density. This all leads to being stronger and more able to stave off bugs, allergies and other illnesses that are commonplace in school environments. Students might simply not be achieving the optimum level of exercise with a general teacher. Specialist sports organisations will bring out the highest levels of fitness and fun, which could in turn make the students want to attend school more, giving them more mental strength.

If you think your school could benefit from outsourcing part or all of your PE function, or you have any questions or require advice, please contact our friendly team for more information.